Welcome to the World's Fair Newsletter:

To everyone who enjoys the 1939 New York World's Fair - from our home to yours ...
Happy Holidays
Thank you for visiting,
Perisphere Ponderings
View the Perisphere Ponderings index.
Father of the Fair
"A little girl's school lesson became a great dream for many – a world's fair in New York in 1939. However,"The World of Tomorrow" soon became a nightmare for its originator."
Read: Father of the Fair
A Mud Puddle You Say?
Once the fair corporation settled on the Queens for its "World of Tomorrow," it faced the daunting challenge of reclaiming a long – established dump into a successful site worthy of a world's fair.
Two Vociferous Showmen
Commenting on George VI and Queen Elizabeth's visit to the 1939 New York World's Fair, the king's official biographer, John Wheeler-Bennett noted, "From the moment of their arrival their destinies (were) in the hands of those vociferous showmen, the Mayor of New York, Mr. Fiorello LaGuardia, and Mr. Grover Whalen, President of the World's Fair."
And now, a look at those "vociferous showmen" who helped make "The World of Tomorrow" THE enjoyable diversion in the warm-up to World War II.
Read: Two Vociferous Showmen
New on the Web
Submitted by David Matlow
David is an avid collector of material from the Jewish Palestine exhibit at the 1939 New York World's Fair.
There are several additions to this site, the first is a series of 10 postcards from the Jewish Palestine Pavilion.
More postcards from David
- CT Art Colortone Palestine Pavilion
- Miller Art - Palestine Pavilion
- Manhattan Postcard - Jewish Palestine
- Grinnel Company - Jewish Palestine
U.S.S.R Publications
Information about the U.S.S.R was pleantiful. Click here to view some of the publications that were available for the public.
At this time I do not have the contents of the booklets, only the covers. All images are courtesy of David Matlow
The World's Fair Gift Shop
Visit the Gift Shop to purchase items from the 1939 NY World's Fair .
Money raised from the sale of items goes towards maintaining this website.
The Middleton Family at the World's Fair 1939
This drama illustrates the contribution of free enterprise, technology, and Westinghouse products to the American way of life. The Middleton Family at the New York World's Fair pits an anti-capitalist bohemian artist boyfriend against an all-American electrical engineer who believes in improving society by working through corporations. The Middletons experience Westinghouse's technological marvels at the Fair and win back their daughter from her leftist boyfriend.
Run time: 54:53
- Production Companies:
- Audio Productions Inc.
- Westinghouse Electric Company
- Return to:
- World's Fair Films
- Newsletter Index
People Seeking Information:
From Caleb Boyd
I am currently researching the film 'Pete ROleum and is Cousins, which was shown at the fair's Petroleum Building. I am hoping members of this group, or those who subscribe to the newsletter, could provide me with more information about the exhibit. I constantly check eBay for memorabilia from the Petroleum Exhibit and nothing has ever come up besides some sketches of the building, which I don't think are from 1939. I would love to see pictures of the inside of the building. Also, if anyone as any information about the film itself-what was actually shown at the exhibit and not the version we currently see on YouTube. I have looked at early scripts for this cartoon, and I want to know if the film actually was a finished product, and not the edited confusing version we see on YouTube. Thanks!
From Fred Mathews

My Grandfather was a baker in South Bend, Indiana. I have my Grandfather's large, sterling silver trophy that he was awarded at the 1939 World's Fair. It's inscribed, 'Paul's Bread Co. World's Fair Contest Awarded To Fred Mathews 1939'.
I haven't been able to find out any information about this contest either from family or from the World's Fair materials. If you or any of your readers have any information about this contest or photos to share, I'd be very grateful and appreciative.
Thank you for any assistance/information that you can provide. Fred
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