Welcome to the World's Fair Newsletter: February 2016
New on the Web
Two New Tickets
Marjorie Spiegel sent in two new tickets from the Fair: 1939 complete ticket #10942 with stub and 1940 ticket # 92682 stub.
Brazilian Pavilion

Submitted by Danielle Nastari a researcher from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, are images of the interior of the pavilion and some of the artwork by Cândido Portinari.
Visit the Brazil Pavilion page in the Government Zone to view all the images. (The link opens in a new page.)
Fair Items from Cathy Scibelli

1939 NY World's Fair cigar band.
The permanent home for this is on "Stickers, Labels, and Stamps" page 2.

George Washington Inauguration Coin and Ribbon
A new addition to the Buttons and Pins section under Misc.
A deck of playing cards from the Fair.
You can see some of the other designs on the Playing Cards page.
World's Fair Pendant
I don't know where at the Fair this pendant was sold, but looking at the top it reminds me of the diorama at Con Edison City of Light. And the lady looks like she is right out of the turn of the century.
If you know where in the Fair this was sold, let me know.
More on the Buttons and Pins Page in the MISC section of the website.
People Seeking Information:
Marina Golli
I was wondering if there is any information about the prize that was given to my Grandfather Valentin Golli who was an architect. The prize was for the design of a building for it's appearance and technology. The building is in the city of Murmansk, Russia. The people in Murmansk are trying to restore the building but the local government is not interested. Having this document would put the building on the list of historical monuments and they will be able to proceed with the restoration.
Jon Tessler

I have a B&W photo of my father at the World's Fair, and am trying to find out more information about where it might have been taken at the fair. Thanks, Jon
Note from Paul: In the background it looks like a band and people dancing but it also looks like they are on a table. There is a person in white shoes on the right side of the railing that appears to be twice as tall as the figures on the left of the railing. Very curious indeed.
Scott McBride
I am researching marble tournaments and it is my understanding that season 2 of the fair included a national marble tournament Berry Pink, president of Marble King company. Do you have any information about that tournament? It was played in an area of the fair called the Academy of Sports.
George McGowan

I have a photo of my parents at the 1939 World's Fair (I think). They are sitting in what looks like an old open top auto. is it possible to have someone look at the photo and verify whether it was a ride at the Fair?
If you can help find an answer, contact me.
View the current list of questions. If you have a question email me and I will add it to the list.
The World's Fair Gift Shop
The holidays are are here so why not give a bit of history to someone you care about (or even for yourself.)
Visit the Gift Shop to purchase many items from the 1939 NY World's Fair.
Money raised from the sale of items goes towards maintaining the website.
Join the World's Fair Community page on Facebook - Simply "Like" the page, while you are there, and why not add a post or a comment.
Lost on facebook?: Many people have posted on the 1939 New York World's Fair Community facebook page only to get lost on the left-side under "Posts to Page." If you want your post to be seen in the main section of the page, I need to make you an editor. Here's what you need to do:
- Send a "Friend Request" to my personal account (Paul M. Van Dort or TriviaWolf).
- Be sure to "Like" the 1939 New York World's Fair Community page.
- Send me a message to let me know you would like to be an Editor and I'll do the rest.
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