Railroads on Parade
Railroads at Work 
Trains on Display 

Courtesy of Hilary Rossen

Collection (Library of Congress)

- Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive No. 2850 that made the westbound run for King George VI and Queen Elizabeth's visit to Canada arrived at the Railroad pavilion in full splendor. The locomotive impressed everyone with its shining stainless steel and royal blue paint, trimmed in silver and gold. The semi-streamlined front bore the royal arms over the head lights and imperial crowns decorated the running boards.
- For the first time in history, a Catholic mass was held in a Pullman car. The Rt. Rev. John H, Clarke performed the service before a specially constructed altar at the Railroads building.
- The three dispatchers for the "Railroads at Work" exhibit went through their longest stretch of sixteen performances without a hitch until a train uncoupled and broke in two.

Courtesy of Bob Catania

Railroads on Parade
Railroads at Work 
Trains on Display 
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