In 1939, Americans stood poised on an edge of history. Weary from the Depression of the Thirties and leery of a pending war in Europe, Americans sought a much-needed respite. the temporary relief came in the form of the New York World's Fair. The Gershwins, in their theme song for the Fair, said it best when they wrote, "see the sun through the gray it's the dawn of a new day."

The verse continued, "Here we come young and old, come to watch all the wonders unfold." and for the millions of visitors to the Fair, it truly was a world of wonders. Like Dorothy in that year's popular MGM fantasy movie, the Fair's patrons stepped into an unbelievable Oz. Streamlined and architectural palante buildings, a myriad of new products, and entertainment and travel experiences previously unavailable to the masses exceeded all expectations. "Better times here to stay. hail the dawn of a new day."
In his "Welcome to the World" in the Fair's guidebook, Fair president Grover Whalen stated that the "World of Tomorrow" on view at the Fair would be achieved when everyone utilized "cooperation to preserve and save the best of our modern civilization." He continued, "This is your Fair, built for you and dedicated to you. You will find it a never ceasing source of wonder."
And so it is today. Through the marvels of modern technology, once again visitors can enjoy the 1939 New York World's Fair. Enter the "World of Tomorrow" and be amazed!
David J. Cope