For three hundred years the Czechs and Slovaks struggled for the right to live as a free people. In 1918 they finally succeeded in regaining their independence. From the ruins of the past they started to rebuild their country and founded their constitution on the same principles and in the same spirit in pursuit of happiness which had inspired the founders of the United States of America. In the twenty-years that followed, Czechoslovakia attained a high degree of material and spiritual prosperity and she was regarded as one of the best governed nations in Europe. It had been originally planned that the Czechoslovak Pavilion was to be a monument of that progress and was to prove what may be achieved 'within two decades if industry, labor, art and creative patriotism work in harmony.
By an unfriendly stroke of late the young republic became the victim of a whole series of betrayals and broken pledges until finally a ruthless invasion strangled the liberty of her people. More eloquently than words could express it, the emptiness that surrounds you tells the story,- but the freedom of the spirit of a people cannot be extinguished.
This unfinished pavilion represents a symbol of that spirit and a symbol of the motto of the Republic that truth will ultimately triumph and that in a free Europe the Czechs and Slovaks will again breathe freely.
The back of the pamphlet it reads: