Perisphere Ponderings
by David J. CopeThe unfortunate destiny of Poland in the tumultuous times played itself out before the eyes of "The World of Tomorrow" fairgoers.
A Tale of Two Pavilions
The unfortunate destiny of Poland in the tumultuous times played itself out before the eyes of "The World of Tomorrow" fairgoers.
A Tale of Two PavilionsThe Court of Honor displayed original documents that stressed the democratic traditions of Poland. Another section showed the country's participation in the settling of America.
The Hall of Science displayed more than 200 Polish inventions and contained a section that showed their maritime development. A bar, café and a deluxe restaurant were in a separate building.
The Polish pavilion's murals are currently on display at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York.
Bronze statue of King Ladislaus II Jagiello (right) by the sculptor Stanislaw K. Ostrowski (1889 - 1947).
The statue at the fair was a replica of a memorial that was converted into bullets by the Germans after they entered Warsaw.
In July 1945 it was presented to the City of New York by the King Jagiello Monument Committee, with support from the Polish government in exile, and permanently placed in Central Park with the cooperation of the last pre-communist consul of Poland in New York, Kazimierz Krasicki. (Read the entire story at )