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The web pages for the contents for the Westinghouse Time Capsule was prepared by Ms. Shirley Manning from available information.
At the intersection of the two halls of the Westinghouse Pavilion, the Time Capsule was lowered into the "Immortal Well." The Capsule contained a cross-section of the civilization of 1939 on millions of pages of microfilm and is to remain sealed until the year 6039.
On the wall were displays of what is was like to live without electricity & what is would be like "today" with the freedom we would gain by having electricity in out every day life.

World's Fair Historical Society - wf-024
In addition to the capsule that was buried at the World's Fair ground, Westinghouse also made a duplicate time capsule which was displayed at the fair and is now in the Heinz Museum in Pittsburg. Pennsylvania. Westinghouse also had a display case at the fair with some of the items displayed. It is uncertain if any of the display cases survived. Since that capsule can not show us everything (without opening it) and the location (survival) of the display cases is unknown, presented on these pages is an attempt to put together a list with references and pictures of the contents.
Image Available Icon. Click the icon that appears in the Time Capsule List of items to view more details and a photo of the item.
Item images are either of the acutual object or one very close to what was packed in the Westinghouse Time Capsule.

reconstructed by S. Manning of Napa, CA
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