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Frozen Alive - attraction in the Amusemnet Zone at the 1939 New York World's Fair
Frozen Alive at the Fair

Lucille Jacobs and two others at Frozen Alive
Lucille Jacobs (right) at Frozen Alive
(Arkansas Participation - Prize Mellon with Girls
Photo courtesy of the NYPL 1653808.)
Center: Sandra Ramey (stage name), real name: Irene Balogh.

Frozen Alive
Photo DS-2 from the collection of Dr. William R. Hanson.

One of the marvels in the Amusement Zone.

Frozen Alive - attraction in the Amusemnet Zone at the 1939 New York World's Fair
Frozen Alive captured from the Phillip A. Mediucs film or the Fair.

Trylon Tidbits
  • Annette Delmar, a former employee of Chicago's Marshal Field's department store, decided to leave her job supervising the store's forty-two dressmakers and try a new, more exciting line of work. To that end, she became the Artic Girl of Ice at Frozen Alive. The twenty-four year-old donned a bathing suit and three times a day reposed inside a 1,800 pound block of ice hollowed out like a coffin. Her longest stay, twenty-one minutes and forty-seconds.
  • Owners noticed huge amounts of their 2,400 pounds of ice, always kept behind the concession, missing. They soon caught fairgoers chipping at the ice to cool themselves down in the unexpected heat wave.

Lucille Jacobs

March 2013

Lucille Jacobs, one of the stars from Frozen Alive celebrated her 100th birthday.

Nick Hirshon, professer at St. John's University in NYC was afforded the opportunity to interview Lucille a week before her 100th birthday.

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