Welcome to the World's Fair Newsletter: August 2015
21st Century Fair Memorabilia
I have been told that the 1939-1940 World's Fair was the most merchandised event in history. The amazing thing is that many people who love the Fair still create items that pay tribute to this piece of history.
Mr. Jackie Collins, a Fair memorabilia collector and Screen Printer created several 1939 NY World's Fair placemats for his personal use.
1939 New York World's Fair placemat created by Jackie Collins - July 2015
The placemat measures 12" x 16" and is printed on a clear substrate. (Please excuse my poor photography.)
Mr. Collins called me mid-July and told me about his project. He also stated that he was sending one of the placemats to show his appreciation for this website and tribute to the World's Fair.
I am having the placemat framed and it will hang in my home-office where I can admire it every day. Thank you Jackie.
New On the Website
The gentleman in the white uniform is James Russel Barnes, Jr. making a floral presentation while the King and Queen of England are being greeted on the right side of the photo. Photo courtesy of James R. Barnes III.
Shadow box tribute to James R. Barnes, Jr.
Is the man with his back to the camera Fair President Grover Wahlen?
It reads: "Hear Ye! Hear Ye! All Ye who scan these lines in the year 2040 - I was there at the World's Fair of 1940 in New York on Opening Day - May 11th 100 years ago."
Today the word scan has a different meaning, unless they knew we'd have "scanners" ... which I doubt. The owner of this tag was Eddie Bloomingdale from "Good Old" N.Y.C.
People Seeking Information:
Take a look and see if you can help these people find answers to their questions. View the current list of questions. If you have a question email me and I will add it to the list.
Daria Phair asked about an egg-shaped container containing sewing items, a 1940 pin and a thimble. You will find the entire question, photos, and my reply at "People Seeking Information - June 2015."
Be sure to stay informed with new things on the World's Fair Facebook page. Among our Contributors are the Museum of the City of New York, and Author & World's Fair Authority, Mr. Bill Cotter.
Lost on facebook?: Many people have posted on the 1939 New York World's Fair Community facebook page only to get lost on the left-side under "Posts to Page.:q
If you want your post to be seen in the main section of the page, I need to make you an editor. Here's what you need to do:
Send a "Friend Request" to mypersonal account(Paul M. Van Dort or TriviaWolf).
Be sure to "Like" the 1939 New York World's Fair Community page.
Send me a message to let me know you would like to be an Editor and I'll do the rest.
Would you like a link on the World's Fair Website?Take a look at the links pageto see how I am adding the links. Hover over the link name to reveal a descriptive panel, click the link to visit the site.
Contact me with the information that you want to appear. Links must be approved before they are added.