NOTE: Your email address will not be published with your question. Anyone having an answer or information should contact me and in turn I will pass along the information including contact information for both parties.
December 2015
Pat Fowler
I am looking for info regarding a large photo of the Grand Canyon which was displayed at the '39 world's fair. My Mom told us stories about photos taken by a famous photographer of the time who was commissioned to take the photos. I believe it shows a man and a woman ( my Mom!) on horseback looking up at a big cliff in Arizona at the Grand Canyon. Ring a bells? I'd love to know more!
John Feather
I am trying to find things about the Wheeling Steel radio show broadcast in the West Virginia area I think on July 25th, 1939.
November 2015
Mary Snellings
I have a 1939newyorkworlds fair miniature book when you open it the pages are like a centerfold do you know anything, about it?
October 2015
Richard Siegelman
Do you know if there's any way for me to find out if my now-deceased mother (Rosalind "Linda" Laster) swam in the 1939 World's Fair Billy Rose Aquacade ? I THINK she did, but I'd like to authenticate my belief. Thank you.
September 2015
Jill Kaltenthaler
A friend showed me the quilt his grandmother sent to the 1939 World's Fair as part of a competition sponsored by Good Housekeeping magazine and Macy's. Do you have any information on that on that portion of the fair? The quilt owners have all the documentation of their quilt being displayed there but would like to add any other interesting details or photos for family records. Thank you.
Frank Berg
I was wondering if anyone has any of the plaques that were made by Primo Art Co. For the fair his Company was based on Rhode Island , he was contracted to make them
August 2015
Dawn Raffel
I am writing a biography of Dr. Martin Couney, the incubator doctor at the fair. I found one very helpful article on your site; at this point I have quite a bit of info about the doctor, but I am looking for anyone who might have memories, photos, or memorabilia related to him—and in particular, I'm looking for any surviving babies. Thanks so much for any help you might be able to give me!
June 2015
Daria Phair
Here are 3 photos - the exterior of the egg-shaped container and 3 photos of the contents. I don't know if the current owner added the items or if the container originally held the sewing things. I also don't know if there is a date on the container. I did see a ladies compact with that shape in a 1933 World's Fair collectibles book. A puzzlement.

Click to enlarge.
My reply to Daria:
Easy stuff first: Obviously the pin is from 1940, and the thimble is from the Fair, although I cannot see the year. The pins and Fair pin: I rather doubt that those came with the case. Everything I've seen that was sold at the Fair was perfect and the two pieces of felt are not the same and are cut poorly. There may have been something like that in the case but I'm pretty sure those two were added by one of its owners. I also doubt the Fair pin can with the case. (but I could be wrong.)
The case itself is lovely but I don't think it was something from the Fair since it has no markings related to the Fair.
"The Empire State," the U.N., the Statue of Liberty, and the Empire State Building. Then there's the two buildings inside the state. The one with the dome makes me think of Monticello, the other like a Wall Street bank facade.
If you have any thoughts, contact me and I'll plass along the information.
March 2015
Joshua Anderson
I have found a 1939 World's Fair token with a reverse from the social security administration. Would you be able to tell me more about this token? Thank you in advance.
February 2015
Jessica Mjelde
I'm trying to find a photograph of my father in law, Clarence Whitefield, which appeared in the New York Times. He was in a group of students with the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. The students each had a jar of dirt from their home state and the photo shows them pouring it at what he seems to think is a ground breaking ceremony. If you have any idea as to WHEN this might have happened, it would greatly reduce the number of newspapers. I have to look through.
Sarah Smith
Hello, I really enjoyed your site. Do you happen to know of anyone that has a collection of 1939 New York World's Fair memorabilia that might be interested in displaying them in an exhibit and talking about the Fair?
I am working on coming up with ideas for the Steamtown National Historic Site Railfest event this year which will be focusing on the 1930s and 40s. We have brochures in our collection because the trains left from here to go to the fair, but we don't have any memorabilia.
You can contact Sarah at: sarah_smith@nps.gov Last year's RailFest, in Scranton, PA was held in August.
January 2015
Patti Chase
My mother worked there with giroscopes. There was a winning crochet pattern that she made several items. She taught me the pattern when I was very young. I do not remember the pattern. IS it possible to get that pattern? I would love to have it and pass it down to my granddaughter.
George Froehlich

I have glass knob that was made for my grandfather at the fair and wanted to know who might have made it. It is being used as a stick shift knob and would like to know more information about it as I pass it down.
Peter Hayward

I have a photo in the form of a postcard of my uncle and his wife & 3 unidentified people that was taken at the 1940 New York World's fair. It was obviously taken on a stage set complete with a wagon and fake horse. One of the people is on the horse & the rest are in the wagon. I have two questions: (1) have you ever seen a photograph from the fair of this type? (2) do you have any idea on where it could have been taken at the fair?