If you are looking for information about something that was at the Fair and I do not have the answer, your question will be added to this page in hopes that someone will have an answer or be able to give you some direction.
NOTE: Your email address will not be published with your question. Anyone having an answer or information should contact me and in turn I will pass along the information including contact information for both parties.
November 2016
From Fred Mathews

My Grandfather was a baker in South Bend, Indiana. I have my Grandfather's large, sterling silver trophy that he was awarded at the 1939 World's Fair. It's inscribed, 'Paul's Bread Co. World's Fair Contest Awarded To Fred Mathews 1939'.
I haven't been able to find out any information about this contest either from family or from the World's Fair materials. If you or any of your readers have any information about this contest or photos to share, I'd be very grateful and appreciative.
Thank you for any assistance/information that you can provide. Fred
View the current list of questions. If you have a question email me and I will add it to the list.
Caleb Boyd
I am currently researching the film 'Pete ROleum and is Cousins, which was shown at the fair's Petroleum Building. I am hoping members of this group, or those who subscribe to the newsletter, could provide me with more information about the exhibit. I constantly check eBay for memorabilia from the Petroleum Exhibit and nothing has ever come up besides some sketches of the building, which I don't think are from 1939. I would love to see pictures of the inside of the building. Also, if anyone as any information about the film itself-what was actually shown at the exhibit and not the version we currently see on YouTube. I have looked at early scripts for this cartoon, and I want to know if the film actually was a finished product, and not the edited confusing version we see on YouTube. Thanks!
October 2016
From Eugenia Hobday

We have a photo of my grandmother & her mother standing at the front of a covered flat bottomed boat with straight back chairs along each side. Behind them are other people. Above their heads is a sign: 'Viva El Amour'. Are you familiar with any boat rides at the 1939 World's Fair? Could this be associated with the Cuban Village?
September 2016
From Bethany Johns
Hi, my grandfather Horace Johns was an Otis Elevator engineer and manned the Otis display in the Metals Bldg: I'm looking for any material, print or otherwise, that shows the Otis display.
Many thanks for any direction,
From Paul M. Van Dort

I received this photograph from Leslie Tannahill with her grandparents, Fred and Cleal Tannahill of Bloomfield, N.J.
It appears that the lady is holding a fluorescent tube in front of some type of display.
The only words on the sign that I can make out are:
R???R, then ?ation, Saving, Grow Beam, and Screening.
Can anyone identify which pavilion this may have been in?
Photo was taken by A.E. Sonn, Glen Ridge, N.J.
August 2016
From Steve Wanta
I have found a China,(as in dishes), miniature pitcher or cream holder. I can't find any information about it anywhere. It has printed on it 'Rail road BLDG N.Y.W.F 1939 with a picture of the building in the center. On the other side it has a banner that says, 'Turkish Pavilion NY World's Fair. On the bottom it has the #A-1247, a word I cannot make out, then the word 'China' then ACP. Co.. If anyone could give me some information on this piece I would appreciate it..
Steve Wanta
July 2016
From Jonathan A. Boschen
Hello I am doing a handful of different projects pertaining to the iconic Jam Handy Organization, one of which is a documentary on the studio. According to my research, there were at least 20 different motion pictures that were produced by studio that were shown at the 1939 New York World's Fair. Unfortunately I only know the titles to a small handful of these films that were produced for exhibition at the fair by JHO (such as Chevrolet's 'Leave It To Roll-Oh' and Coca-Cola's 'Refreshment Through The Years'). I am curious if you happen to have a full listing of Jam Handy films, or all films, that were exhibited at the fair as part of exhibits.
Thank you for your assistance.
Jonathan A. Boschen
May 2016
Mike Ross
I'm looking for information about the 'World's Fair Anthology of Verse' (edited by Paul Emory Carter), including the process by which poems were selected for inclusion in it.
I gather that some five volumes were produced in 1938, 1939 & 1940.) Family lore says my great-great grandmother (Josephine America Pardue, 1859-1940) wrote a poem ('Alabama') that was included in an anthology exhibited at the 1939 World's Fair. I'm trying to determine if it was published in one of Carter's volumes, and if so, which one.
Also, was the process of gathering/selecting the poems for Carter's World's Fair anthologies part of -- or different from -- that created by Marie Bullock (The Academy of American Poets) that selected the World's Fair Official Poem and five runners-up for cash prizes?
I would appreciate any info, tips and pointers.
Mike Ross
April 2016
Fred Sloviko
Here are two photos of items I was told were in the '39 World's Fair in a Pabst beer exhibit. Any info would be helpful.
Joseph Simpson
By chance does anyone remember or have seen work signed by John Joseph Billings, an artist sculptor whose work was on display in the public access area during the 1939 World's Fair? Thanks, Joe Simpson
March 2016
Maureen Connery
The country of Ireland displayed a stained glass work 'My Four Green Fields' by Evie Hone - it is also a song - it is a political statement regarding the status of Northern Ireland -- continues today -- 2016!! Are there pictures of this display?
February 2016
Thomas Pekar
I read that German anti-Nazi emigrants to US (like Thomas Mann) planned to organize a Pavilion at the World's Fair. Do you have any information about that?
Thanks a lot, Thomas
Ron Knox
Hello, my blind father played marimba at the '39-'40 NY World's Fair for Ripley's Believe it or not. Do you know if there are any pictures in your book showing Ripley's area or even my dad. He was 'Pierce Knox,' blind marimba or xylophone player.
Thanks for your time.
Geoffrey Hill
My grandfather was aboard the HMAS Australia/Sydney as a Bandsman that visited the 1939 World Fair, and I would love to know if there were any recordings (video or audio) of any of their performances. He was with the Navy Band and I believe the ship was Australia's main representation at the fair.
I would love to know if you know of any images/ footage or audio recordings of their performance(s). Even if you could suggest where I could search next then that would be wonderful. His name was Arthur Edward Henry Davies, or Mick for short.
Many thanks and kind regards from Australia, Geoffrey Hill
Alice Macri
My late Mom worked for AT&T all of her career. She was a long distance operator/instructor and was chosen to work at the 39 Fair ATT pavilion putting up ld calls. She was so proud to be part of the future tech she saw there. I hope to feel connected to her and learn more about the Fair and get a visual picture of what it was like to her. Is some audio available as Mom said her voice went out over speaker heard by visitors? Thank you, Alice
Joseph Simpson
I am looking for an artist, sculptor and/or wood carver by the name of John Joseph Billings. I briefly remember my Mother pointing out one or more statues of his during my trip there in 1939/1940. Your thoughts. Thanks. Joe Simpson
Jeri Amesbury – Boniello
I have nothing to appraise but I do have a question regarding a baking contest held at the fair. My Grandmother, Isabelle D Amsbury won a huge (commercial?) oven at a baking contest for what I believe was for a cake she baked. I would love to find out any information on the oven and especially the cake plus if all photos. Would you possibly know of how I might find more information? I would so greatly appreciate any advice. Thank you! Jeri